Using this set of packages, is's easy to start a new project.
The workflow is simple:

  1. Create a new MVC 3 project (empty project or internet project).
  2. Use NuGet to install one of the quickstart packages, this gives you a lot of boilerplate code for free.
  3. Start implementing your new project :)

Main Packages:

Quickstart - Mvc3 Unity Integration
A Unity Dependency Resolver is set up for MVC 3. Using the UnityConfiguration package, all your services are automatically registered based on the convention interface: IServiceName / implementation: ServiceName.

Quickstart - Mvc3 Unity Entity Framework IntegrationSame as the Mvc3 Unity Integration, only 1 extra class is added to register an Entity Framework DataContext with Unity.

Quickstart - Entity Framework - Sample
Has a basic DataContext, with Users and Roles. A Generic Repository and SQL CE included.

Quickstart - Mvc3 Unity Entity Framework Integration - SampleThis is a combination of two packages:
Quickstart - Mvc3 Unity Entity Framework Integration
Quickstart - Entity Framework - Sample
So you get Entity Framework Unity Integration and an example Entity Framework DataContext

Quickstart - Mvc3 Unity Linq2Sql Integration
Use this package if you want to use Linq2Sql with Unity. It includes the Mvc2 Unity Interation package with one extra class to register a Linq2Sql DataContext with Unity. You will have to input the connectionstring and DataContext name for this to work.

Quickstart - Mvc3 Unity Entity Framework Holyprin Web Security IntegrationThis is the most complete package. It includes Mvc3 Unity and Entity Framework integration. HolyPrin Web Security package is added so that uses can register and login. There are controllers and views included for editing user info, add or delete roles for a user etc.
If you need a website with a login system, use this package.

Supporting Package:

Quickstart - Entity Framework Repository
Includes a generic repoitory. It is used in all other Entity Framework quickstarts.